Asst. Prof. Thunnalin Winuprasith, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Institute of Nutrition representing the director of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (iNT), Mahidol University, was honored to attend the opening ceremony of “InterCare Asia 2023” and “Wellness & Travel Fair 2023”

          On August 31, 2023, Asst. Prof. Thunnalin Winuprasith, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Institute of Nutrition representing the director of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (iNT), Mahidol University, was honored to attend the opening ceremony of “InterCare Asia 2023” and “Wellness & Travel Fair 2023” at Hall 5, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC). In the event, Center of Innovation and Reference on Food for Nutrition (CIRFON), Institute of Nutrition participated in the exhibition of food innovations for nutritional benefits by the “InterCare Asia 2023” event by setting up a showcase of innovative products and services for health and wellness for all ages. which is organized in conjunction with the event “Wellness & Travel Fair 2023” of the Thai Medical and Health Tourism Association Between August 31 and September 2, 2023 in Hall 5 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center.