Associate Professor Dr. Chalat Santiwarangkna, Director of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University presided over the 47th anniversary of Institute of Nutrition foundation.

        On January 25, 2023 , Associate Professor Dr. Chalat Santiwarangkna, Director of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University presided over the 47th anniversary of Institute of Nutrition foundation. In the morning, Associate Professor Dr. Chalat along with management team and staffs of INMU worship to Chao-Pho Khun-Thung, then at 9:00 a.m. there will be a religious merit-making ceremony by inviting 9 monks from Puranawas Temple to come and practice Buddhist mantras, offering food and articles that are suitable for alms to monks at lunch for auspiciousness. There was also a ceremony to award outstanding personnel and exemplary teachers.