Opportunities of the graduates
Scholars, executives, or entrepreneurs in food and nutrition-related business
Researchers in an academic institution, research facility, food industry, and public and private agencies related to food and nutrition research
Academics in an institution of higher education which provides educational programs related to food science and nutrition, and health sciences
Consultants on food and nutrition-related projects to public and private agencies, international organizations, research projects, health promotion units, and food industry
Alumni success stories
Many of our alumni have gone on to achieve great things after graduating,
transitioning across numerous career paths.
Here are just some of their stories.
Theerachai Wongmetinee (Thee)
Associate Director, Nutrition Science/Scientific Innovation – ASEAN
Infant & Child Nutrition, Reckitt Benckiser, Singapore
FSN alumnus (Batch 2005)
The Master of Science Program in Food and Nutrition for Development (currently Food Science for Nutrition) prepared me to be ready for the real world by being able to integrate food science and nutrition knowledge to work as a Nutrition Scientist since graduation. This International program also granted me the unforgettable opportunity to obtain a scholarship from Wageningen University in The Netherlands for a full-time Master Degree in Nutrition and Health.
No need to think twice, apply now 

Pattaramon Mackaman
Product Group Quality Specialist
Unilever Europe Business Centre, The Netherlands
FSN alumna (Batch 2008)
My experience of studying in Food Science for Nutrition program was a high quality and up-to-date academic course with knowledgeable professors. Consequently, I had a full understanding of the program contents and developed my critical and logical thinking skills, which are essential in career life. Unforgettable was the advice and support from the professors for what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be after graduation. The combination of the teachings, developed skills and support resulted in my successful career.
Natcha Sangsawat
Manager, Nutrition Health & Wellness Portfolio Development
Nestlé (Thai) Co., Ltd.
FSN alumna (Batch 2009)
During my time at INMU, I had learnt a way of balance between nutritional knowledge and food technology, providing a wide range of opportunities in food industry in term of technical and application in business. Warm and friendly environment with lovely friends and generous teachers made me feel so happy. Thank you so much for INMU that gave me a memorable time and provided a great lead in my careers path!! I am so proud to be in this family.

Dr. Suwapat Kittibunchakul
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol university, Thailand
FSN alumna (Batch 2012)
Attending this Master’s Degree Program in Food Science for Nutrition is one of the best decisions I have made. The program provided me invaluable insights into recent knowledge on human nutrition and the application of this knowledge to develop safe and nutritious foods. During the years of my study, I gained analytical skills and learnt how to deal with complex problems in a more systematic way through practice in scientific research. The curriculum consisting of several group assignments and seminars helped to improve my interpersonal skills and allowed me to get to know my strengths/weaknesses as well as to recognize my potential. What I experienced throughout my master’s study have been helpful for my current doctoral study abroad and will definitely benefit my future career.
Leab Kong
Management System Executive
Aprati Foods, Cambodia
FSN alumnus (Batch 2015)
Recipient of Mahidol-Norway Capacity Building Initiative for ASEAN Scholarship 2015
Upon my graduation, I could see a big transformation in myself particularly on my critical thinking and problem-solving skill. With this transformation I strongly believe that what the program has been providing to the students either theoretical or practical knowledge will surely support them on various professional areas.

Jaruneth Petchoo (Aomm)
Department of Community Public Health, School of Public Health
Walailak University, Thailand
FSN alumna (Batch 2015)
Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. Food Science for Nutrition program is one of the best things on my mind. Since the first day all faculty members and staff members gave me a warm welcome until I finish my degree, they have taught and given me advice on many things in both academic and social life. Moreover, this program is willing to support and prepare me to be ready for a future career.
Elisa Maulidya Saputri
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Nahdlatul Ulama University, Indonesia
FSN alumna (Batch 2015)
One of the best moments in my life. INMU is much beyond than just an institution. Especially in Food Science for Nutrition Program, I’ve learned everything, not only the academic knowledge, but also the culture and friendship. The program delivers interesting class activities, at the same time enhancing overall learning experiences. Besides, I got experience to some company visits that broaden my perspective in food industry. INMU helped me to develop critical thinking, public speaking, teamwork, and international communications. This program has opened the door of the opportunities I would not have had access to without those experiences.

Hafizh Muhammad Noor
Management Trainee
PT. Kelola Mina Laut (KML Food), Indonesia
FSN alumnus (Batch 2017)
Recipient of 2017 Mahidol Postgraduate Scholarship
During studying here, I enjoy spending time with all lecture and friends. Moreover, I had learnt how to use many equipment. I feel that this program help me to improve all my skills.
Master of Science Program in Food Science for Nutrition (International Program)
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
999 Phuttamonthon 4 Road, Salaya,
Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand
Phone +66(0)-2800-2380
Fax +66(0)-2441-9344