General Information
Name of Degree
- Thai : ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (อาหารและโภชนาการเพื่อสุขภาพและสุขภาวะ)
: ปร.ด. (อาหารและโภชนาการเพื่อสุขภาพและสุขภาวะ)
- English : Doctor of Philosophy (Food and Nutrition for Health and Well-being)
: Ph.D. (Food and Nutrition for Health and Well-being)
The program aims at producing doctoral graduates who have in-depth knowledge in food and nutrition, and ability to conduct cutting-edged research to synthesize novel knowledge in food and nutrition with a focus on its practical applications in health and well-being through the integration of cross-disciplinary knowledge, up-to-date industry trends and technological advancements in food and nutrition with creativity and critical-thinking, self-directed and life-long learning, and ethic and morality in conducting scientific research and academic activity.
Contact Persons
Program Chair
Assoc. Prof. Chalat Santivarangkna, Dr.rer.nat.
Email: chalat.san@mahidol.ac.th
Program Secretary
Lect. Nachon Raethong, Ph.D.
Email: nachon.rae@mahidol.ac.th
Tel: +66 (0) 2800 2380 ext 428
Assistant to Program Secretary
Ms. Rapeepan Dhamajong
Email: rapeepan.dha@mahidol.ac.th
Tel: +66 (0) 2800 2380 ext 424
Program-Level Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO1: Comply with moral, research ethics, and academic and professional codes of conduct
PLO2: Analyze and integrate knowledge in food and nutrition for research and development of functional food and food for nutrition, or nutrition for health and well-being
PLO3: Conduct in-depth research on functional food and food for nutrition, or nutrition for health and well-being, in order to create unique and cutting-edge knowledge
PLO4: Possess academic leadership with critical thinking, teamworking and lifelong learning attitude
PLO5: Search, consolidate, analyze data, disseminate and communicate research findings at international level by applying information technology
Program Structure
Complies with the Announcement of The Commission on Higher Education Standard on the subject of Criteria and Standards of Graduate Studies B.E. 2565, Doctoral Degree, Plan 1.1 and 2.1 as below:
1) Required courses | - | 6 credits |
2) Elective courses not less than | - | 6 credits |
3) Dissertation | 48 credits | 36 credits |
Total not less than | 48 credits | 48 credits |
Program Expense

For further details, please visit the FGS website to learn more about Fixed-Rate Tuition Fees for Postgraduate Studies For Students Enrolling Academic Year B.E. 2567 (2024) Onwards B.E. 2567 (2024)